Seasonal Library Shows
How Do You Keep Your Students Interested In Reading?
By Bringing in one of Earl Long’s Reading Shows
We have 5 different reading shows to offer you.
If you’re looking for a great reading show for your students … Something that appeals to all ages… A program that will absolutely dazzle and delight your students … Will introduce the kids to some amazing seasonal-themed books, get them interested in reading, help them experience mystery and lots of fun…
Then the following information is for you
A Seussical Magical Reading Show

March 2 is Dr, Seuss’s birthday and Read Across America Month is coming soon!
A Seussical Magical Reading Show
Are you looking for a fun way to engage students with the power of books? Let your students experience the wacky, wonderful, world of Dr. Seuss!
Dive into the wacky and wonderful world of Dr. Seuss with this performance of fun silly magic, OIPstory-telling and silly comedy featuring the characters found in some of Dr. Seuss’ most famous works.
The kids and adults will experience a roller coaster ride of comedy and fun throughout the whole show. All in all, the children will learn that reading can be fun, educational and relaxing all at the same time.
Book this show before all the dates and times disappear. Great for Read Across America week, Celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday or any other month in the year!

The Magical Land of Imagination Magic Show

“The Magical Land of Imagination Magic Show” consists of impossible magic tricks and off the wall comedy, all themed around fairy tales and fantasy stories. In addition, the show features lots of audience participation, too. Joining Earl is Dusty the Dragon, Mike the Monkey, Eddie the Rabbit and Jerry the Platypus puppets.
Earl includes magical tricks with dragons, King Earl, fairy tales, pirates and more. This new show is designed specifically for your library. Throughout the show, Earl references various children’s books and promotes your library in a fun and entertaining manner.
This show is also offered as a prerecorded virtual show. Ask us for the details.

The Spring Into Reading Show

The Spring Into Reading Show incorporates many things that are coming to life in the Spring; including blooming flowers, caterpillars turning into butterflies, a paper butterfly magically flying, rabbit tricks (not live rabbits), an appearance with Petey our rabbit puppet and many more fun and amazing audience participation tricks. We tie all of this into talking about and showing different books about Spring and animal life during the Spring. We encourage the kids to keep on reading even through the summer months.
This show is booked during the Spring months and in the Summer.
See what Mrs. Beverly Jones principal of Phenix Elementary School says about the Spring Into Reading Show.

The Spooky Goofy Magic Show

The Spooky Goofy Magic Show is a 50-minute program that not only will help your students see the importance of reading books to expand their minds but it will teach them how they can have fun this Halloween and still be safe. This program is themed around Halloween but not scary. I use several books as the premise for some of the magic tricks. It is perfect for all ages.
This show is filled with a lot of audience participation, comedy, music, stories and lots of magic.
Come with us as we explore an old haunted castle to try to find the treasure. The kids and families will giggle and laugh as they meet Mr. Bones who keeps falling apart, he loses his head but then it reappears. Our friend Jack the Great Pumpkin will make an appearance and produce a big surprise. In one of the rooms of the castle, the audience will see a table float in the air and in another room a treasure box appears out of an empty box. This show is usually booked during October.

The Winter Wonder Reading Show‘s

The Winter Wonder Reading Show‘s theme celebrates the winter months. This is more than an entertaining show; it is highly educational, leaning toward celebrating and encouraging reading in your student’s lives.
This show features our Frosty The Snowman puppet that appears out of an empty box. The kids will also see a snowball float in the air and then it disappears. The show includes lots of music, stories and illusions specially designed for the students. There are many colorful and visual routines which use audience participation and will keep everyone personally involved for 50 minutes.
This show is booked from November – March.

The Reading is Magic Assembly Show

The Reading is Magic Assembly Show for Libraries is our general reading show and is filled with a lot of fun, laughter and audience participation as it incorporates many books and stories. We will take a journey to discover different types of books including Biographies, Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery, Adventure and Skill Set Books. The kids will be fascinated by the dazzling magic tricks and juggling that will help make the books come alive. They will also get excited as they get to participate with many of the stories. Earl Long encourages the students to continue reading because the more you read the smarter you get.
This show can be booked at any time during the year.